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Journey (
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): Another update today
Another update today after ticket follow up (2 updates actually).1st, a Technical Analyst III was able to duplicate the issue as well (which adds further importance, I assume):“…I too am able to replicate this matter. I am investigating this and filing a case immediately. I apologize for the wait and I want to assure you that my aim is to expedite and resolve this issue as soon as possible…”2nd, a follow up after viewing code and the issue at hand, etc.:“…I do apologize, but this was something beyond my ability to correct for you and will need to be addressed by Development. I did go ahead and file a case so you can refer back to this inquiry, 554717, to get further updates on the progress if I have not yet notified you….”The good thing, I think, is that it’s moving up the chain towards resolution; instead of being relegated to trivial status.Looks like it’s past the report stage and is at the case stage.It’s nice to see that cPanel personnel are following up and forwarding to the best people for the job, the developers, so it appears. sildenafil without prescription mastercardbuy accutanecialis
Sonntag, 13. Oktober 2013
Genf20 uk (
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): njfjftc yrusmal
Matee (
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): There are lots of wa
There are lots of ways to build this app. In fact, we were just talking to a customer about building something query refinement by phrase suggestion, which is very similar technically. My fave implementation of this idea is scirus.com (by FAST and Elsevier) which gives you suggestions in “refine your search”.First, do significant phrase extraction. You can either do this per query result set (very expensive, but much better results if you have enough results) or statically (perhaps with updates). Best is to do it versus some background corpus (e.g. Wikipedia), but plain old collocation extraction is OK. Then index the phrases along with the tweets.At run time, when you search, you pull back the sig phrases in the tweets as well as the results, so you get a set of tweets and a tweet-phrase relation. You could either do some kind of fancy dynamic-programming optimization to get an optimal partition by phrase according to some metric (diversity/coherence — see below), or you could just report the top few results and accept some redundancy (realizing that a phrase appearing in all or most hits isn’t useful in organizing results). The real trick for this application is optimizing diversity (low similarity among the clusters) and high coherence (high similarity of tweets within a cluster). Right now, tweemotif’s not doing a very good job of this (clusty.com also has issues — it’s a tough problem). Another thing you might consider for tweetmotif is restricting results to phrases like noun phrases; getting “by the black” is wrong phrasally for a search on the band “Black Keys”, and plain old “-” is just wrong, which I got as a term for search ‘Raveonettes’. And “flu” pulled back “h1n1 flu”, “swine flu”, and “case of h1n1″, which just isn’t diverse enough. I had better luck on the drilldowns for topics like “banh mi”. You should probably also pay attention to Twitter conventions like “#” for tags.
Samstag, 12. Oktober 2013
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): mj9uyu
Wow nice web, love to be here again!
Freitag, 11. Oktober 2013
Davion (
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): Another update today
Another update today after ticket follow up (2 updates actually).1st, a Technical Analyst III was able to duplicate the issue as well (which adds further importance, I assume):“…I too am able to replicate this matter. I am investigating this and filing a case immediately. I apologize for the wait and I want to assure you that my aim is to expedite and resolve this issue as soon as possible…”2nd, a follow up after viewing code and the issue at hand, etc.:“…I do apologize, but this was something beyond my ability to correct for you and will need to be addressed by Development. I did go ahead and file a case so you can refer back to this inquiry, 554717, to get further updates on the progress if I have not yet notified you….”The good thing, I think, is that it’s moving up the chain towards resolution; instead of being relegated to trivial status.Looks like it’s past the report stage and is at the case stage.It’s nice to see that cPanel personnel are following up and forwarding to the best people for the job, the developers, so it appears. car insurance in floridarent a car deals
Freitag, 11. Oktober 2013
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): vwcjpcy guunwxj
Marilu (
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): Ruth, some hints are
Ruth, some hints are: eat enough roughage type foods, whole grains, beans, veg and fruit, that you get a satisfying daily bowel movement (when I was a kid the doctors always owuld ask if we were ‘regular’…); eat small portions, and don’t go too long between snacks and meals, make whatever you can special and enjoyable about planning, shopping, preparing and eating your food. People don’t really need to eat as much as they are eating nowadays in the industrialized countries. I am at a international scientific conference now in Ancient Olympia Greece about Agriculture, Nutrition and Health and (I am a writer, not a scientist) my recommendation to everyone is, become informed, the scientific evidence is clear, processed food and trans fats are harmful to our health.Since 1970′s the first studies were done, the evidence was overwhelming then and nothing has changed: among other things, the human being requires a particular ratio of lipids in the fuel it consumes to function properly. By introducing hydrogenated fats into the diet, food and oil manufacturers have worked, not a miracle for the consumer (say, lowered CVD or other health benefit) but have profited from the degredation of the people’s health.Everyone whines about their medical bills, pharmaceutical co-payments, insurance, Obama, – few think about the middlemen who pervert the food and package it and ship it here and there and reap huge profits while obesity in the population increases obscenely. cialisdietitian professional liability insurance
Mittwoch, 09. Oktober 2013
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): phen375 diet
Karem (
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): ow7ZMi5IL5
Another update today after tikect follow up (2 updates actually).1st, a Technical Analyst III was able to duplicate the issue as well (which adds further importance, I assume): I too am able to replicate this matter. I am investigating this and filing a case immediately. I apologize for the wait and I want to assure you that my aim is to expedite and resolve this issue as soon as possible 2nd, a follow up after viewing code and the issue at hand, etc.: I do apologize, but this was something beyond my ability to correct for you and will need to be addressed by Development. I did go ahead and file a case so you can refer back to this inquiry, 554717, to get further updates on the progress if I have not yet notified you . The good thing, I think, is that it's moving up the chain towards resolution; instead of being relegated to trivial status.Looks like it's past the report stage and is at the case stage.It's nice to see that cPanel personnel are following up and forwarding to the best people for the job, the developers, so it appears. http://ohxmhhgf.com [url=http://nsdqhaf.com]nsdqhaf[/url] [link=http://gaxpwb.com]gaxpwb[/link]
Mittwoch, 09. Oktober 2013
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